
Wholesale real estate, like any other business, is generally legal in Canada as long as it is conducted in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. However, the specifics of the legal requirements for wholesale real estate may vary depending on the province or territory in which the transaction takes place.

In Canada, every province has their own Real Estate Association, and each association sets the rules and regulations for real estate practices, and it’s important to comply with all applicable rules and regulations, as well as any local bylaws. These rules and regulations include those related to property disclosure, advertising and marketing, and licensing and registration.

It’s also important to comply with any federal laws and regulations related to real estate transactions, such as those related to taxes and mortgage lending. In addition, the transaction should be in compliance with any contract laws, consumer protection laws and competition laws.

It is advisable to seek professional advice, such as a real estate lawyer or a financial advisor, before engaging in any wholesale real estate transactions to ensure that you are in compliance with all the legal requirements.

It’s also good to note, that some aspects of wholesaling may not be permissible, such as hiding property defects, making false statements, and not disclosing your intent to resell property, as these may be considered fraud.


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